JICA Mid-term Review
1)To verify the current achievement and progress of the Project as per
the Project plan
2)To evaluate the Project based on five (5) point criteria
3)To provide recommendations to the Project with regards to the activities
for the remaining period
Evaluation Criterias
Whether the Project Purpose meets the need of the intended beneficiaries
Whether the Project is consistent with the host country’s policies and
Japan’s aid policies
To what extent the Project Purpose has been achieved to benefit
beneficiaries and target group
Whether input resources have been utilized effectively or not
What long-term effects and ripple effects brought by the Project are
To what extent to which the achievement of the Project would be
further continued and expanded after the completion of the Project
Review process
1)JICA organizes the Evaluation Team
2)Assignment of evaluators from the recipient side to join the
Evaluation Team
3)Questionnaire sent to the Project
To be answered by the Japanese Experts and Project Counterpart
4)Mobilization of the Project Evaluation Team and joining of the members
from the recipient side
Collection of additional information
Discussion on the situation/achievement/issues of the Project
6)Production of the Mid-term Review Report
7)Presentation of the Report at the JCC
8)Approval of the Report by the JCC